Seminário de Pesquisas NECI
O Núcleo de Estudos Comparados e Internacionais convida todos os interessados para o seminário "Where the Action Is: How Governments around the World Make Welfare Decisions", com a profa. Christine Lipsmeyer, da Texas A&M University, que será realizado em inglês, na próxima terça-feira, dia 19 de março, às 10h00, na sala 14 do Prédio de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da FFLCH-USP. A atividade é aberta aos interessados, sem necessidade de inscrição prévia.
Typically, researchers of welfare policy, myself included, use spending data (e.g., 15% of GDP) as a measure of government decision-making, because of their comparability across countries and over time. Noting that a government spent more or less on a policy offers little explanation of how the government altered the policy in the real world terms to achieve this budgetary percentage change. Therefore, I have devised a new method for measuring welfare policy, one that allows me to analyze changes in the details of various policies and one that succeeds in creating a more realistic picture of government behavior. My measure focuses on four traits (funding, coverage, eligibility, and benefits) of each welfare policy. I thus am able to capture influences on policy that a budgetary-based study would miss, providing the leverage necessary to test more complicated theories. Most importantly, this project gives me the ability to compare welfare policies across countries, time periods, political regimes, etc. The finished product will include an extensive coding of policies across all nations with a social security system since 1958.