
Publications of the Research Project "Politically appointed positions in the federal Brazilian government"

PRACA, S.; FREITAS, A. M.; HOEPERS, B.. A rotatividade dos servidores de confiança no governo federal brasileiro, 2010-2011, Novos Estudos, prelo.

PRACA, S.; FREITAS, A. M.; HOEPERS, B.. Political appointments and coalition management in Brazil, 2007-2010. Journal of Politics in Latin America, v. 3, p. 141-172, 2011.

PRACA, S. ; FREITAS, A. M.; HOEPERS, B.. Presidential Political Appointments and Coalition Governance in Brazil, 2007-2010. 2011. In: APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, Seattle, EUA.


Publications of Andreza Davidian

CAZZOLATO, José Donizete; DAVIDIAN, AndrezaFREITAS, Andréa; SILVA, Patrick. Political Reform In Brazil: Investigation into the Impact on the Party System and on Representation. In: IPSA XXII World Congress of Political Science, 2012, Madri, Espanha.

DAVIDIAN, A. . Um panorama sobre o sistema partidário brasileiro pós-redemocratização. Primeiros Estudos Revista de Graduação em Ciências Sociais, v. V.1, p. 134-156, 2011.

DAVIDIAN, A. ; MESQUITA, L. ; SILVA, G. P. . A regionalização dos votos partidários para a Câmara Federal no Rio de Janeiro nas eleições de 2010. Em Debate, v. 4, p. 43-52, 2012.


Publications of Andréa Marcondes de Freitas

CAZZOLATO, José Donizete; DAVIDIAN, AndrezaFREITAS, Andréa; SILVA, Patrick. Political Reform In Brazil: Investigation into the Impact on the Party System and on Representation. In: IPSA XXII World Congress of Political Science, 2012, Madri, Espanha.

FREITAS, AndréaGovernmental Coalitions in Multiparty Presidentialismo: The Brazilian Case (1988-2011). In: Brazilian Seminar, 2012, Oxford University, Oxford, Reino Unido.

FREITAS, A. . Migração partidária na Câmara dos Deputados de 1987 a 2009. Dados (Rio de Janeiro. Impresso), v. 55, p. 951-986, 2012.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . A rotatividade dos servidores de confiança no governo federal brasileiro, 2010-2011. Novos Estudos, prelo.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . Determinants of patronage and policy-making positions in the Brazilian federal bureaucracy, 2007-2011. In: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, United States, 2011.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . Political appointments and coalition management in Brazil, 2007-2010. Journal of Politics in Latin America, v. 3, p. 141-172, 2011.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . Presidential Political Appointments and Coalition Governance in Brazil, 2007-2010. 2011. In: APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, Seattle, EUA.

FREITAS, Andréa; IZUMI, MaurícioMEDEIROS, DaniloO Congresso Nacional em duas dimensões: estimando pontos ideais de Deputados e Senadores (1988-2010). In: 8° Encontro da ABCP, 2012, Gramado - RS.


Political Reform in Brazil: Investigating the Impact on the Party System and the Representation

The effects produced by the method to convert votes into legislative seats have been at the center of the debate in Brazil since the 1988 Constitution, and since then the need for political reform has never left the agenda. The main arguments used refer to strengthening political parties and increasing electoral accountability.

This work proposes to analyze the effects of redrawing electoral districts. This issue is part of a larger discussion about the impacts of the electoral system on the political system as well as the delicate balance between governability and representation, including the issue of accountability. Consequently, they are directly related to the quality of democratic systems.