Publications of Andréa Marcondes de Freitas

CAZZOLATO, José Donizete; DAVIDIAN, AndrezaFREITAS, Andréa; SILVA, Patrick. Political Reform In Brazil: Investigation into the Impact on the Party System and on Representation. In: IPSA XXII World Congress of Political Science, 2012, Madri, Espanha.

FREITAS, AndréaGovernmental Coalitions in Multiparty Presidentialismo: The Brazilian Case (1988-2011). In: Brazilian Seminar, 2012, Oxford University, Oxford, Reino Unido.

FREITAS, A. . Migração partidária na Câmara dos Deputados de 1987 a 2009. Dados (Rio de Janeiro. Impresso), v. 55, p. 951-986, 2012.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . A rotatividade dos servidores de confiança no governo federal brasileiro, 2010-2011. Novos Estudos, prelo.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . Determinants of patronage and policy-making positions in the Brazilian federal bureaucracy, 2007-2011. In: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, United States, 2011.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . Political appointments and coalition management in Brazil, 2007-2010. Journal of Politics in Latin America, v. 3, p. 141-172, 2011.

FREITAS, A. M. ; HOEPERS, B. ; PRACA, S. . Presidential Political Appointments and Coalition Governance in Brazil, 2007-2010. 2011. In: APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, Seattle, EUA.

FREITAS, Andréa; IZUMI, MaurícioMEDEIROS, DaniloO Congresso Nacional em duas dimensões: estimando pontos ideais de Deputados e Senadores (1988-2010). In: 8° Encontro da ABCP, 2012, Gramado - RS.