Executive-Legislative Relation

Publications of the Research Project "Politically appointed positions in the federal Brazilian government"

PRACA, S.; FREITAS, A. M.; HOEPERS, B.. A rotatividade dos servidores de confiança no governo federal brasileiro, 2010-2011, Novos Estudos, prelo.

PRACA, S.; FREITAS, A. M.; HOEPERS, B.. Political appointments and coalition management in Brazil, 2007-2010. Journal of Politics in Latin America, v. 3, p. 141-172, 2011.

PRACA, S. ; FREITAS, A. M.; HOEPERS, B.. Presidential Political Appointments and Coalition Governance in Brazil, 2007-2010. 2011. In: APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, Seattle, EUA.


Publications of Jaqueline Porto Zulini

RICCI, PaoloZULINI, Jaqueline. "Beheading", Rule Manipulation and Fraud: The Approval of Election Results in Brazil, 1894–1930. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44, pp. 495-521.

RICCI, Paolo; ZULINI, Jaqueline Quem ganhou as eleições? A validação dos resultados eleitorais antes da criação da justiça eleitoral. Revista de Sociologia e Política.  doi: 10.1590/S0104-44782009000200001


Party behavior in the 1946 Republic: a study on the patterns of support and conflict between Congress and Government

Jaqueline Porto Zulini masters research Project. Fundamentally, it is an investigation on how the presidents of the 1946 republic built majorities in the Chamber of Deputies to approve their agenda. The literature on this subject points to a predominance of ad hoc coalitions which would be explained by low levels of party coordination and the prevalence of factions within parties.



Party Migration in Brazil

Party switching in Brazil is an extremely interesting phenomenon. This work analyzes the phenomenon from two points of view. First, it tries to understand how collective actors, i.e., political parties, may use party switching as a way to increase power in parliament and in the electoral arena. Second, it speculates the reasons why an individual would affiliate themselves to a specific political party.


From Andréa Marcondes de Freitas and Patrick Silva


Publications of this research


Politically appointed positions in the federal Brazilian government

Although much has been said about the distribution of politically appointed positions in the federal bureaucracy in Brazil, there is a lack of studies on the extent of this phenomenon, which political parties have gained more positions in office and in which areas, which bureaucratic agencies are insulated from partisan influence etc. This research employs, based on new data made available by the federal government in the ‘Transparency Portal’, the first quantitative analysis on politically appointed positions in Brazil. Data collection began in April 2010 and since then it has been complemented by interviewing members of the federal government.

Publications of this research

Researchers involved