Legislative Behavior

Publications of Paolo Ricci

GUARNIERI, Fernando; RICCI, P. . Eleições 2010: a aparente fraqueza dos partidos políticos brasileiros. Em Debate, v. 2, p. 7-12, 2010.

LEMOS, L. R. ; RICCI, P. . Produção legislativa e preferências eleitorais na Comissão de Agricultura e Política Rural da Câmara de Deputados. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v. 19, n.55, p. 107-130, 2004.

PERES, Paulo; RENNÓ, Lucio; RICCI, P. . A Variação da Volatilidade Eleitoral no Brasil: Um Teste com as Explicações Econômicas, Políticas e Sociais. Latin American Research Review, v. 46, p. x-x, 2011.

RICCI, P. . A Evolução das reformas do regimento interno no Parlamento Italiano (1946-2003). Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos, v. 95, p. 57-97, 2007.

RICCI, P. . A medida das leis: do utilizo de noções genéricas à mensuração do imponderável. Boletim Bibliográfico (ANPOCS), São Paulo, v. 54, n.2 semestre, p. 101-123, 2002.

RICCI, P. . Em que ponto estamos? Sessenta anos de reformas institucionais na Itália (1946-2005). Dados (Rio de Janeiro), v. 49, p. xx-xx, 2006.

RICCI, P. . Explaining standing order reforms in the Camera dei Deputati during the liberal age. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, v. 17, p. 25-44, 2012.

RICCI, P. . Gli emarginati del duemila: le condizioni sociali di una favela paulista. Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, Milano, v. XXII, p. 61-83, 2000.

RICCI, P. . O conteúdo da produção legislativa brasileira: leis nacionais ou políticas paroquiais?. Dados (Rio de Janeiro), Rio de Janeiro, v. 46, n.4, p. 699-734, 2003.

RICCI, P. . The Content of Law. Concepts and Measures in Legislative Studies. Working Papers (Political Concepts), v. 43, p. 1-27, 2010.

RICCI, P. ; TOMIO, F. . O governo estadual na experiência política brasileira: os desempenhos legislativos das Assembléias Estaduais. Revista de Sociologia e Política (Online), v. 19, p. x-x, 2012.

RICCI, P. ; TOMIO, F. . Seis décadas de processo legislativo estadual: processo decisório e relações Executivo/Legislativo nos estados (1951-2010). Cadernos da Escola do Legislativo, v. 13, p. 57-107, 2012.

RICCI, P. ; ZULINI, J. . "Beheading", Rule Manipulation and Fraud: The Approval of Election Results in Brazil, 1894-1930. Journal of Latin American Studies (Print), v. 44, p. 495-521, 2012.

RICCI, PaoloZULINI, Jaqueline Quem ganhou as eleições? A validação dos resultados eleitorais antes da criação da justiça eleitoral. Revista de Sociologia e Política.  doi: 10.1590/S0104-44782009000200001


Government coalitions in multiparty presidentialism: the case of Brazil (1988-2011)

Coalition presidentialism was considered to be a peculiar feature of the Brazilian political system for a long time. Today it is known that coalitions are common in presidential systems. However, little is known about Executive-Legislative relations in coalition presidentialism when the Executive has overwhelming legislative success and predominance, even in the case of high levels of fragmentation in both legislative houses. The objective of this research is to understand how the coalitions supporting the Brazilian executive operate by analyzing the legislative process, in other words, the law-making process in the National Congress. The plan is, therefore, to analyze how political parties that are members of the coalition participate in this process as well as understanding which strategies are adopted inside the legislative in order to guarantee party cohesion around the presidential agenda.


Publications of this research

Researchers involved


Monetary authority and the financial system during the Brazilian National Constituent Assembly (1987-88)

This is an undergraduate research project which aims to fulfill the existing gap in the literature in the following aspect: to understand the disputes that took place in the Brazilian National Constituent Assembly (1987-88) over the definition of monetary policies, the financial system and the role of the Brazilian Central Bank by establishing a typology of groups that could capture what was at stake in the constitution-making process on this matter.


From Samir Luna de Almeida.

Samir Luna de Almeida

Mini CV:

Almeida is an undergraduate student in Social Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo. He is a research assistant of the Politics and Society Group – upon the coordination of Prof. Dr. Dr. Fernando Limongi (DCP/USP) – at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP).

Lattes Curriculum


Danilo Buscatto Medeiros

Mini CV:

Medeiros is currently a master student of the Graduate Program in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP). In 2009 he obtained a degree in Social Sciences from the same university. He is a permanent researcher at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) and a researcher at the Center for Comparative and International Studies at USP (USP-NECI). His field of interest is political institutions, especially legislative studies, legislative behavior, conflict and political coalitions.

Lattes Curriculum


Paolo Ricci

Mini CV:

Professor in the Department of Political Science, USP. He obtained his degree in Political Science from the Università degli Studi di Bologna in 1997, a Masters degree in Political Science from the University of São Paulo in 2001 and a doctoral degree in Political Science from the University of São Paulo in 2006. His field of interest is Political Science especially Comparative Political Science, in the following themes: legislative process, electoral systems and the history of political institutions.

Lattes Curriculum