International Organizations

Publications of Cristiane de Andrade Lucena Carneiro

CARNEIRO, C. A. L. . Disputas Comerciais e Magnanimidade: Um Estudo do Mecanismo de Solução de Controvérsias da Organização Mundial de Comércio à Luz da Teoria dos Movimentos. Contexto Internacional, v. 30, p. 2, 2008.

CARNEIRO, C. A. L. . From the United Nations Arms Register to an Arms Trade Treaty - What Role for Delegation and Flexibility?. ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, v. 14, p. 1-30, 2008.

CARNEIRO, C. A. L. ; ELDEN, D. . Economic Sanctions, Leadership Survival, and Human Rights. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, v. 30, p. 534-634, 2009.


Publications of Janina Onuki

AMORIM, S. N. ; OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. . A crise do setor aéreo no Brasil: 2006 e 2007. Estudos ENAP, v. 2, p. 1-40, 2009.

AMORIM, S. N. ; OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. ; VEIGA, J. P. C. . O licenciamento ambiental para hidrelétricas do Rio Madeira (Santo Antônio e Jirau). ENAP - Estudos de Caso, v. 1, p. 7-45, 2008.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; OLIVEIRA, E. ; ONUKI, J. . Coalizões Sul-Sul e multilateralismo: Índia, Brasil e África do Sul. Contexto Internacional (PUCRJ. Impresso), v. 28, p. 465-504, 2006.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. . A liderança do Brasil pode salvar o Mercosul?. Network, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n.2, p. 5-5, 1999.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. . Brasil, Mercosul e a segurança regional. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, Brasília, DF, v. 8, n.2, p. 108-129, 1999.

OLIVEIRA, A. J. S. N. ; ONUKI, Janina. Coalizões sul-sul e as negociações multilaterais. Países intermediários e o caso IBSA. São Paulo: Mídia Alternativa Editora, 2007. v. 1. 224p .

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. . Eleições, Partidos Políticos e Política Externa no Brasil. Politica Hoje (UFPE. Impresso), v. 19, p. 144-185, 2010.

OLIVEIRA, A. J. S. N. ; ONUKI, J. Eleições, política externa e integração regional. Revista de Sociologia e Política (UFPR. Impresso), v. 27, p. 13-29, 2006.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. . India, Brazil and South Africa: collective action, divergent positions. New Global Studies, v. 4, p. 1-25, 2010.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. . Liderança hegemônica e integração regional. O Brasil na visão das elites do Cone Sul. Cena Internacional (UnB), Brasília - DF, v. 2, n.2, p. 5-22, 2001.

OLIVEIRA, A. J. S. N. ; ONUKI, J. . South-South Cooperation and Brazilian Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy Research Centre Journal, v. 3, p. 80-99, 2012.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. ; PEREIRA NETO, M. G. . Modelos espaciais na teoria de coalizões internacionais: perspectivas e críticas. BIB. Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, v. 61, p. 71-89, 2006.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. ; RIBEIRO, P. F. . Political parties, foreign policy and ideology: Argentina and Chile in comparative perspective. Brazilian political science review, v. 3, p. 127-154, 2010.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. ; SENNES, R. . La política exterior brasileña y la seguridad hemisférica. Fuerzas Armadas y Sociedad, Santiago, Chile, v. 18, n.3-4, p. 3-26, 2004.

OLIVEIRA, A. ; ONUKI, J. ; VEIGA, J. P. C. . Política externa e negociações internacionais. Revista Brasileira de Comércio Exterior, v. XX, p. 29-33, 2006.

ONUKI, J. . A Argentina não quer mais o Mercosul. Diálogos e Debates, São Paulo, v. I, p. 8-8, 2001.

ONUKI, J. . A crise do Real e o futuro do Mercosul. Network, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n.2, p. 5-5, 1999.

ONUKI, J. . Até quando o Mercosul resiste às crises?. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. VIII, n.88, p. 13-13, 2000.

ONUKI, J. . Brasil-Argentina. 15 anos de união. Nossa América, São Paulo, v. 21, p. 8-9, 2004.

ONUKI, J. . Diplomacia Presidencial. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. V, n.85, p. 5-5, 2000.

ONUKI, J. . Interesses comerciais brasileiros na América do Sul. Cadernos ADENAUER (São Paulo), v. 1, p. 165-177, 2010.

ONUKI, J. . Mercosul: de volta para o passado. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. IX, n.105, p. 12-12, 2001.

ONUKI, J. . Mercosul: Realidade e Perspectivas. Cadernos do IPRI, Brasília, n.12, p. 49-67, 1994.

ONUKI, J. . O Mercosul além da crise. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. 110, p. 12-12, 2002.

ONUKI, J. . O Mercosul e a incoerência da política externa argentina. Política Hoje, Recife, PE, v. 1, n.14, p. 20-35, 2004.

ONUKI, J. . O Mercosul está à espera de uma nova agenda. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. V, n.58, p. 12-12, 1997.

ONUKI, J. . O relançamento da Argentina. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. VIII, n.91, p. 15-15, 2000.

ONUKI, J. . O risco-Argentina. Carta Internacional (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. IX, n.104, p. 15-15, 2001.

ONUKI, J. . Para onde caminha o Mercosul?. Revista Múltipla (UPIS), Brasília, DF, v. IV, n.6, p. 99-111, 1999.

ONUKI, J. . Política Externa Brasileira e Argentina: prioridade ao Mercosul?. Série Carta Internacional, São Paulo, v. 15, 1997.


Domestic institutional gridlocks to South-American integration

This project aims to analyze the possibilities of south-American regional integration with a focus on the main domestic institutional obstacles. The investigation observes national features and other aspects of countries and their influence on the process of regional integration. The domestic institutional design of five countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela) is analyzed, in particular executive-legislative relations and the influence of the main interest groups on the decision-making process of foreign policy issues. The comparative analysis of this information will produce an assessment of the level of impact that these institutional relations have on the advancement of a South American integration proposal.


From Janina Onuki.


Trade policy and institutional design: Brazil and Argentina in comparative perspective

The objective of this project is to observe whether there is change or rather continuity in the patterns of trade policy by adopting a comparative perspective and focusing on the main aspects of the institutional field. The main puzzle is to explain how two countries (Brazil and Argentina) with similar economic models at some point and facing analogous changes from the world economic scenario, ended up with such distinct trajectories in terms of trade policy. The investigation covers the 1990-2005 period and it adopts a qualitative methodology by building a panel of the main foreign policy approaches in the field of trading and analyzing three levels of decision-making: inter-bureaucratic, legislative dynamics and Executive-Legislative relations.


From Janina Onuki.


National Legislatures, Democracy and Foreign Policy: a comparative study of Brazil, Chile and Mexico

At the end of each electoral cycle it becomes clear that foreign policy has become one of the key dimensions connecting democracy and development in Latin America. Regional integration, international security, international trade agreements, legislation on international migration, energy and regulation are some among many international issues that have become frequent, and sometimes polarized, in national electoral debates. Contrary to the predictions that Latin-American countries would inevitably, from the 1990s, move towards a convergent model of development dictated by the competitive integration into the world economy, what was seen in the countries of the region was the emergency of hard-fought disputes concerning the concepts of development and the confrontation of ideas from political coalitions, political parties and national elites. The degree of polarization in these political disputes or otherwise the level of ideological convergence varies from country to country. For instance, political disputes tend to be more polarized in Argentina and Mexico than Brazil and Chile. Similarly, institutional structures are quite distinct, especially regarding legislative-executive relations at the national level, institutions responsible for bridging the gap between Society and Governments on foreign policy. The fundamental objective of this project is to analyze the evolution of both the institutional role and the performance of national legislatures on foreign policy in four countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico. Besides updating the analysis on the connections among Society, Legislatures and Foreign Policy, the original contribution of this research refers to the systematic way in which the comparison of the political-institutional dimension is dealt with in the field of Latin American foreign policy, an aspect that has traditionally received little attention by the international literature.


Researchers involved


Brazil, the Americas and the World: public opinion and foreign policy 2010

The main goal of this research project is to describe and analyze the perception that the Brazilian population has on our foreign policy and international policy. It is part of an international academic endeavor that includes research teams from many Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. The general coordination is entrusted to the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico. This international project aims to comprehend the perceptions and attitudes that the public has on international issues that have gained more importance over the last century and to capture the reactions of society towards international changes and the domestic impacts. The study covers a broad range of themes (cultural, economic, social, political, security) and levels (bilateral, regional and global) relating to international relations and foreign policy. A survey using a probabilistic sampling of 2,400 cases and stratified nationally will be carried out. Results will be presented in two forms:

  1. an analysis of the attitudes and perceptions that Brazilians have concerning the set of themes included in the questionnaires;
  2. a comparative analysis of the perceptions the public has about the position of the country within the international scenario and the foreign policy agenda in the seven countries investigated.


Researchers involved


Country adherence to the regime of International Intellectual Property (1883-2007)

This research aims to study the incentives countries have to adhere to regimes of international intellectual property and to change their domestic legislation. In order to do so, we use a quantitative methodology and build a database of 190 countries. The database lists the year that each country adhered to a variety of international intellectual property regimes and also contains variables with country characteristics such as GDP, share of industry on GDP etc. Thus, we will be able to test hypotheses based on the literature on the determinants of country adhesion to multilateral international agreements and/or treaties of intellectual property.


Researchers involved


The federative face of trade policy: a comparative study between São Paulo and Maharashtra

The objective of this project is to produce a comparative analysis between the State of São Paulo and Maharashtra concerning the formulation and conduction of national trade policy in Brazil and India, respectively. This case study can contribute to the analysis of the relationship between federalism and trade policy, a consolidated field of study in other countries but underdeveloped in this country.


Researchers involved


The State of São Paulo, international negotiations and instruments of trade policy: risks and opportunities

The general objective of this project is to produce a series of studies and instruments of analysis that could directly or indirectly support the Government of the State of São Paulo to formulate strategies of international trade. In many countries, such as the EUA, Canada, Mexico, India among others, subnational units, especially those detaining larger and significant economic weight within the federation, are endowed with strategic trade policies to minimize risks and enlarge opportunities in a context of growing economic internationalization. Despite the existing constraints put in place by the Brazilian federation model, which imposes restrictions on/to the organization of a genuinely sub-federal trade policy, the state of São Paulo cannot abdicate from a strategic planning of an international trade policy compatible with its weight. Contributing so the state of São Paulo, together with its Secretary for Development, enhances existing tools and creates new mechanisms of subnational trade policy is the main goal of this project.


Researchers involved